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Supplementary MaterialsS1 Fig: The original, uncropped and unadjusted images underlying almost all blots and gels

Posted by Andre Olson on

Supplementary MaterialsS1 Fig: The original, uncropped and unadjusted images underlying almost all blots and gels. Growth analysis of crazy type, GFP-Myo21UBAs and GFP-Myo21TUBAs expressing cells. The results are indicated as the means S. D. of three self-employed experiments.(TIF) pone.0232116.s002.tif (789K) GUID:?9AE59CD0-119B-4112-82D7-35583180F828 S3 Fig: Epiflourescence micrographs showing intraflagellar distributions. (A) Myo21-GFP, (B) Myo21UBAs-GFP, (C) Myo21UBA1-GFP and (D) Myo21UBA2-GFP in promastigotes. Level pub100 m.(TIF) pone.0232116.s003.tif (1.7M) GUID:?E58545AC-A994-4EB8-9459-59732AF057FF S4 Fig: Co-localization of GFP fused proteins with actin. Immunofluorescence images of cells expressing (A) Myo21-GFP, (B) Myo21UBAs-GFP, (C) Myo21UBA1-GFP, and (D) Myo21UBA2-GFP, GENZ-882706 labeled for actin (reddish). Myo21-GFP protein co-localizes with actin in the cell body, flagellum and also in the proximal region of the flagellum. However, Myo21UBAs-GFP co-localized with actin in the cell body but virtually no co-distribution of these proteins could be seen in the flagellum, including its proximal region. Like Myo21UBAs-GFP protein, Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP also failed to co-distribute with actin in the flagellum. Quantity of cells imaged for co-localization of GFP tagged protein with actin for Myo21-GFP- ~20, Myo21UBAs-GFP~18, Myo21UBA1-GFP- ~19 and Myo21UBA2-GFP- ~14 in at least three self-employed experiments. Arrowheads show co-distribution of Myo21-GFP with actin in the flagellum. Level pub2 m.(TIF) pone.0232116.s004.tif (2.0M) GUID:?5690B06B-73E3-49BA-8BD1-AD1FB2694FD8 S5 Fig: Analysis of morphology of cells expressing Myo21-GFP, Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP. (A) Analysis of the cell body length and width of crazy type and Myo21-GFP expressing cells. (B) Histogram of flagellum lengths of crazy type and Myo21-GFP expressing cells. (C) Analysis of the cell body length and width of Myo21-GFP, Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells. (D) Histogram of flagellum lengths of Myo21-GFP, Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells. 120 1N1K cells were measured for each cell type in three self-employed experiments.(TIF) pone.0232116.s005.tif (667K) GUID:?C2F47A49-C009-4D95-98EF-73D7C9B0A055 S6 Fig: Analysis of motility of cells expressing Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP. Swimming songs of (A) Myo21UBA1-GFP and (B) Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells from time-lapse video tracked using MTrack2 tracking tool in Fiji (ImageJ). Level pub100 m. (C, D & E) Graphical representation of motility rate of Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells relative to control cells. 30 cells were measured from at least three self-employed experiments for each cell type. The data were statistically analyzed by ANOVA test and a p-value of 0.05 was considered non-significant.(TIF) pone.0232116.s006.tif (392K) GUID:?4B4D5C0E-BA73-4EDA-A8A8-60DDB35CDAA6 S7 Fig: Analysis of intracellular trafficking activity of cells expressing Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP. Endocytic internalization of FM4-64 in (A) Myo21UBA1-GFP expressing cells and (B) Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells. Cells were incubated with FM4-64FX for 10 min before washing and suspending in new medium. Thereafter, aliquots of cells were taken at 0 min, 30 min, 60 min and 120 min time point. Adhered and fixed cells were stained with DAPI (blue) to visualize nucleus (N) and kinetoplast (K); FM4-64 dye is in red. Scale pub2 m. (C). Quantitative analyses of Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells showing percent of total cells which trafficked FM4-64 dye beyond the nucleus in 60 min GENZ-882706 (n = 43 and 36 for Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells, respectively, from three self-employed experiments), compared to Myo21-GFP expressing cells.(TIF) pone.0232116.s007.tif (1.0M) GUID:?DF892D1A-316D-44AA-A025-D2239544F479 S8 Fig: Comparative flow cytometry analysis of hydroxy urea-synchronized Myo21-GFP and Myo21UBAs-GFP expressing cells. After launch of hydroxyurea pressure, at which time sampling was carried out is indicated GENZ-882706 within the right- hand part of the panel of histogram columns. Rabbit Polyclonal to OR4L1 20,000 events were analyzed at every time-point. Three self-employed experiments were performed and one data-set is definitely shown here. Arrows show G1, S and G2/M phases in histogram and arrowhead shows sub-G1 phase (probably lifeless cell populace).(TIF) pone.0232116.s008.tif (379K) GUID:?D202BBEC-3877-490A-99B5-06B915AFA88A S9 Fig: GENZ-882706 Representative flow cytometry data of hydroxyurea-synchronized crazy type cells, Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells. 20,000 events were analyzed at every time-point. Myo21UBA1-GFP and Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells, much like crazy type cells, at 4 h have S phase maxima, at 6 h G2/M phase and at 8 h enter into the next G1 phase.(TIF) pone.0232116.s009.tif (587K) GUID:?AF998FB6-DF4F-42CE-85C9-FD63567C747F S10 Fig: Graphical representation of cell cycle distribution. (A) Wild-type, (B) Myo21UBA1-GFP and (C) Myo21UBA2-GFP expressing cells, after removal of hydroxyurea (HU) block. Mid-log phase cells were synchronized from the HU treatment. DNA content was measured after staining with propidium iodide (PI) and circulation cytometry analysis of cell cycle phases were carried out at every 2 h interval for up to 12 h. The percent of cells in each of the phase (G1 Ccircle, SCsquare and G2/MCtriangles) at related time point were determined from the actual data using ModFit software. The results demonstrated are means s. d. from three self-employed experiments.(TIF) pone.0232116.s010.tif (459K) GUID:?BE8F3963-2DED-40C7-AE9F-D03B3FC65219 S11 Fig: Confocal microscopy images of promastigotes expressing. (A) endogenous Myo21 only (control), (B) Myo21-GFP, (C) Myo21UBAs-GFP, (D) Myo21UBA1-GFP, (E) Myo21UBA2-GFP, (F) GFP-Myo21UBAs, and (G) GFP-Myo21TUBAs, labeled for anti-Myo21 (green) and anti- -tubulin (reddish) antibodies, and mounted in DAPI (blue) to visualize the DNA (nucleus and kinetoplast). Myosin localization at the base of the flagellum is visible in each of the create expressing cells, as designated from the arrow. Scale pub2 m.(TIF) pone.0232116.s011.tif.